The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) with the support of the Ford Foundation will hold an interactive session on strategies to encourage and mobilise stakeholders to press for the enforcement of court judgements and decisions relevant to environmental and social justice actions in the Niger Delta region.
Equally, the body will inaugurate its Niger Delt chapter of SERAP Volumteer Lawyers’ Network( SVLN) during the interactive session scheduled to take place next month in Port Harcourt, the Rivers state capital.
The event is expected to be attended by legal practitioners, judicial actors, human rights advocates, civil society organizations, media organizations, law enforcement agencies, government officials, community networks, women groups, religious groups, professional groups, persons with disabilities, and other stakeholders.
The session with the theme: ” Strengthening Stakerholders Capacity to Enforce Court Judgements in Nigeria, is aimed at enhancing the capacity of key stakeholders and develop a plan of action for enforcement of court decisions.
SERAP is a non-profit, nonpartisan, legal and advocacy organization devoted to promoting transparency, accountability and respect for socio-economic rights in Nigeria. SERAP received the Wole Soyinka Anti-Corruption Defender Award in 2014, and was nominated for the UN Civil Society Award and Ford Foundation’s Jubilee Transparency Award. The body was also nominated for the 2024 Columbia Global Freedom of Expression Prizes. It is a member of the UNCAC Coalition, a global anti-corruption network of over 350 civil society organizations (CSOs) in over 100 countries, which is committed to promoting the ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention against Corruption. SERAP previously served as one of two Sub-Saharan African civil society representatives on the governing Committee of the Coalition.